We consult with Project Design Teams to assist in the strategic planning of on-site solar, ensuring your design vision, project schedule and ESG goals remain uncompromised.
As decarbonization has become part of the day-to-day conversations in new construction, low-cost options for increasing your project's energy efficiency can have a big impact. When lead times get longer and design engineers are expected to make big decisions earlier, it has become more crucial than ever to bring valuable insight to the table early on in the project.
Increased automation and soaring utility prices lead to high utility bills for industrial buildings. High energy demands, expansive roofs and uniform structure make industrial buildings prime candidates for solar.
As schools work to lower their environmental impact, the importance of energy benchmarking makes solar an essential part of the conversation. By powering schools and young minds, our energy future will be bright.
ESG is in the forefront of the conversation today, regardless of your motivations. On-site solar is an affordable solution for meeting your environmental goals in a truly sustainable way.